Offer Optimisation

Evidence and frameworks that identify opportunity and optimise offer

Unlocking growth from your current and/or new business offer (product, service and solutions) is achieved by responding to market needs and behaviours. Forethought partners with you to collect, analyse and examine the data which answers vital questions such as: Do we have the right mix of service features? Is the price vs quality trade-off optimised? Is this the right addressable audience?

Forethought utilises sophisticated analytical and research techniques to examine your opportunity and find the key to unlock the sales potential of your offer.

As a marketing strategy, advisory and analytics consultancy, we support you to validate new opportunities, design and refine solutions, screen and forecast potential, set pricing and tailor messaging.

Tools we use

  • Segmentation,
  • Rapid ethnography
  • Market sizing
  • Concept testing
  • Trade off analysis – choice modelling, menu-based choice modelling, max diff
  • Pricing – pricing strategy, price elasticity, willingness to pay
  • Package testing
  • Value proposition and message testing
  • Design thinking principles
  • HCD principles

Etiam ultricies nulla diam

Nullam maximus cursus dapibus. Etiam feugiat, massa sed ullamcorper facilisis, odio erat posuere diam, eget consectetur nisl elit vitae ante. Donec turpis sapien, faucibus eget sem a, porta efficitur arcu.